Birth Certificate Campaign
We facilitated the establishment of birth certificates to help empower young children for a brighter future ahead. This endeavour has become the center of our focus. As we work to provide more certificates, we want to help children register for school, provide scholarships, and eventually build an Academy for education.
We make a living by what we get,
we make a life by what we give.
Winston Churchill
Vocational Training For Displaced Teenagers
NsoInspired Foundation in partnership with Scecyps
19th-20th December, 2019
Nso Inspired Foundation partnered with Scecyps to empower a group of displaced girls in Cameroon. The event was held on 19th and 20th of December 2019 in Buea, SouthWest Province, Cameroon. There was an educational talk on the importance of vocational training program. The Internally displaced girls were taught how to make reusable home made pads and the importance of menstrual hygiene. Hygiene packs were distributed. In addition, there were vocational training programs so the girls can better themselves and their families in the future. Empowering the community despite the crisis in this region is vital for the next generation.
Advantages of this Training
- Reduce the rate of Unemployment
- Eradicate Idleness
- Reduce the rate of unwanted pregnancy
- Eliminate the thought of committing suicide
- Rehabilitates the IDPs and giving life a meaning
- For sustainability
- Reduce the rate of prostitution
- Exhibiting Love to the hopeless
-For Empowerment
Vocational Training Scholarships
(Target Population 15 IDPs Girls)
- Tailoring
- Catering
- Hair Dressing
- Pedicure and manicure
- Craft work
- Certificates

COVID-19 Relief
The global spread of COVID-19 has impacted so many of us in many different ways. The world has had to press the pause button on many aspects of normal life to attempt to contain the spread of this virus while trying to balance an already fragile system many of us faced.
The United States has quickly grown to becomes the leading country with more than double the amount of COVID-19 than any other country, and in that New York quickly grew as the epicenter of this pandemic.
New York has seen positive cases and hospitalization skyrocket to the extent that hospitals have been faced with mounting patients, lack on adequate PPE (personal protective equipment), refrigerated trucks as temporary morgues, hospital tents in the middle of city parks and staff members that are working night and day to fight a virus that knows no boundaries, nationality, race or gender.
Nso Inspired organized and hosted free health clinic in Cameroon. We partnered with the Kumba District Hospital, Dr. Ebongo Zacks Nanje and a small team of nurses and volunteers to provide free health services to the community of Kumba. Despite the rain, there was a lot people who showed up for treatment. We were able to administer over 30 eye exams, performed 3 surgeries, distributed over 30 prescription glasses, donated eye drops to dozens and provided free consultative services for hundreds of attendees. At the end of the day, locals received over $5,000 worth of medical services at no charge.
With a generous donation from the athleisure brand Nso New York, the Foundation was able to purchase and donate 100 individually boxed lunches to the staff at The Brooklyn Hospital Center.
With your help we hope to continue our endeavor and help all reflief aspect of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Partnership with Mayor of Kumba
Mattress Donation
In 2019, armed men burned down a hospital in the Cameroonian town of Kumba, forcing patients and medical staff to flee for their lives. Nso Inspired Foundation partnered with the Mayor of Kumba, to donate mattresses to help this crisis situation was presented to the hospital on March 16th 2019.

Health Clinic in Cameroon
Kumba District Hospital
Nso Inspired organized and hosted free health clinic in Cameroon. We partnered with the Kumba District Hospital, Dr. Ebongo Zacks Nanje and a small team of nurses and volunteers to provide free health services to the community of Kumba. Despite the rain, there was a lot people who showed up for treatment. We were able to administer over 30 eye exams, performed 3 surgeries, distributed over 30 prescription glasses, donated eye drops to dozens and provided free consultative services for hundreds of attendees. At the end of the day, locals received over $5,000 worth of medical services at no charge.